Audiographs from

Unreachable Places

TASK: Use machine learning models to create novel audiovisual content.

DURATION: Six weeks

MY ROLE: Design, conceptualization and implementation

TEAM: Self

SKILLS: Generative audio, data collection and preparation for machine learning, working with StyleGAN models, p5.js, RunwayML, adaptation of Tensorflow WaveNet model for


An immersive art piece that uses generative sound and latent space wandering to allow visitors to experience nearly lifelike places that exist outside of our own reality.


I used two machine learning models to generate the audio and video: StyleGAN (NVIDIA) and WaveNet (DeepMind). StyleGAN creates high-quality reproductions of various checkpoints, from human faces to landscapes. WaveNet is a generative model for raw audio, often used in human-like speech generation.

To create the latent space wandering video, I used the forests.ckpt checkpoint on the StyleGAN model in RunwayML, and used a p5.js sketch to set the parameters of a Perlin noise walk, which generated the imagery and animation.

To create the audio, I gathered audio and trained a WaveNet model. Using sound files from BBC Sound Effects and FreeSound, I parsed each sample into 30-second wav files using the Sound eXchange command utility, resulting in 500 usable sound files.

I used the Tensorflow implementation of WaveNet, and used as my remote GPU. I trained the model for a total of 15 hours (due to resource contraints, I was unable to train it for longer) and was able to successfully generate an audio file.

My project was featured by